There are two subject that need to be passed for you to start you flight training. These exams cover the basic PPL legislation, Aircraft Technical and General Principles of flight, Navigation and also some Psychology of training. You are also required to prepare your own instructors file, where you will need to brief your instructor on the things your have prepared. You need to do about 80 hours of briefing time, but 40 hours will be seen as your preparations.


You will be the teacher from the first day of starting this rating. Your instructor will act as the student and you will work through all the lesson pattering in the aircraft. This training will stack up to a total of 20 hours where after you will be tested by a DFE.


The Course

You are required to have a CPL license to be eligible to start this rating. The Course covers everything you have done with your PPL training but you are on the instructional side. You will do briefings in a lecture room to your instructor and possibly other ‘students’ as your practical training. You will prepare each lesson’s theory and briefing and build your file from your prepared files. There are three types of lessons, the Ground Briefing, the Air Briefing, and the flight lesson. When you are ready to test the DFE will test you on all three and he will act as the student. Our dedicated instructors will make sure you are 100% ready. You must just have a passion for aviation and also a passion for people, students and teaching.